Msbte WPD Micro-projects (312004)

Msbte WPD Micro-projects (312004) 

The MSBTE Diploma in Web Page Designing (WPD) subject focuses on providing students with a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of the field, including WPD Micro-projects. In this article, we will explore some of Best WPD Micro-projects (312004)

Msbte WPD Micro-projects (312004) 

1. Designing of Portfolio Website

A personal portfolio website is a crucial tool for showcasing your skills, projects, and achievements to potential employers and clients. The goal of this micro-project is to develop a personal portfolio website using HTML. The website will showcase your skills, projects, and achievements in an organized and visually appealing manner.

Subject Name:Web Page Designing (WPD)
Project Title:Report on Designing of Portfolio Website using HTML
Board: MSBTE
Branch:CO, AN and IF
Category:WPD Micro-projects
Subject Code:312004
Total Pages:22 Pages

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2. Creating Online Resume Design

In conclusion, the Micro-project on creating an online resume design using HTML undertaken by the MSBTE diploma students has proven to be a valuable and enriching learning experience. The project aimed to blend technical skills with creativity to develop an effective online representation of an individual’s professional profile.

Subject Name:Web Page Designing (WPD)
Project Title:Report on Creating Online Resume using HTML
Board: MSBTE
Branch:CO, AN and IF
Category:WPD Micro-projects
Subject Code:312004
Total Pages:23 Pages

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3. E-commerce Website Design

Micro-project on creating an E-commerce website design through the MSBTE Diploma program marks a significant milestone in our academic journey. This project not only provided us with a hands-on experience in applying theoretical knowledge but also allowed us to delve into the practical aspects of designing and developing a functional E-commerce platform.

Subject Name:Web Page Designing (WPD)
Project Title:Report on Creating E-commerce Website Design
Board: MSBTE
Branch:CO, AN and IF
Category:WPD Micro-projects
Subject Code:312004
Total Pages:34 Pages

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4. Recipe Website using HTML

This Micro-project on designing a recipe website using HTML undertaken during the MSBTE diploma K-scheme program has been a valuable and enriching experience. Through this project, we aimed to apply theoretical knowledge gained in Web Page Designing (WPD) Subject to a practical and hands-on scenario by enhancing Students skills in web development.

Subject Name:Web Page Designing (WPD)
Project Title:Report on Designing Recipe Website using HTML
Board: MSBTE
Branch:CO, AN and IF
Category:WPD Micro-projects
Subject Code:312004
Total Pages:28 Pages

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5. Creating Event website using HTML and CSS

The Project aimed to showcase proficiency in HTML and CSS by developing a functional and aesthetically pleasing event website. The process involved conceptualizing the website’s layout, structuring content using HTML elements, and enhancing the visual appeal through CSS styling. Challenges were encountered and overcome, fostering a sense of adaptability and resilience in the face of real-world development issues.

Subject Name:Web Page Designing (WPD)
Project Title:Report on Creating Event website using HTML and CSS
Board: MSBTE
Branch:CO, AN and IF
Category:WPD Micro-projects
Subject Code:312004
Total Pages:28 Pages

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6. Report on Hypertext Markup Language

Throughout the project, we have gained a deeper understanding of HTML and its role in web development. We have successfully demonstrated our ability to create a well-structured and interactive website, incorporating essential HTML elements, tags, and attributes. The project has allowed us to showcase our creativity and problem-solving skills in designing a user-friendly interface that meets the specified requirements.

Subject Name:Web Page Designing (WPD)
Project Title:Report on Hypertext Markup Language
Board: MSBTE
Branch:CO, AN and IF
Category:WPD Micro-projects
Subject Code:312004
Total Pages:22 Pages

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7. Report on Cascading Style Sheets

From this Micro-project Report, we delved into various aspects of CSS, including selectors, properties, and advanced techniques. The hands-on experience gained during the implementation of stylesheets for web pages has not only reinforced theoretical knowledge but also honed practical skills. We have witnessed how CSS contributes to the creation of responsive and aesthetically pleasing websites that cater to diverse user preferences and devices.

Subject Name:Web Page Designing (WPD)
Project Title:Report on Cascading Style Sheets
Board: MSBTE
Branch:CO, AN and IF
Category:WPD Micro-projects
Subject Code:312004
Total Pages:17 Pages

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Upcoming Project

  1. Build a news website using HTML that aggregates articles from various sources and allows users to filter by topic, date, or popularity.
  2. Blog Website: Develop a blog website using HTML that allows users to read and comment on your posts on various topics.
  3. Create a social networking site using HTML that allows users to create profiles, connect with friends, share photos, and post updates.
  4. Build an online quiz using HTML that tests users’ knowledge on various topics and provides instant feedback on their performance.
  5. Develop a weather forecast website using HTML that displays the current weather conditions and provides a five-day forecast for a given location.

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